Where there's smoke, there's insanity

It’s Official: Trump Grabbed ‘er by the Pussy

The results are in & Trump is a rapist

Donald has been claiming that because a jury in May found him guilty of sexual abuse, it meant he was not found guilty of rape.

His legal team is drawing a distinction between the two as though they belong to separate categories and committing one precludes the other. In actuality, rape is but one subset of the broader term “sexual abuse.”

The judge who made the ruling had to weigh in to clear up the confusion Trump’s been brewing. The verdict? Yes, Trump’s actions fall under what most people consider to be rape. Sooo… that’s a thing now. One of our Presidents is a rapist. What’s more unsettling are the allegations of rape from 26 other women who had disturbing experiences with Donald.

It’s worth listening to the clip where Trump first says his now-infamous phrase and title of this post. The initial disgust has pretty good staying power, even today.

By Adam Schuster
Where there's smoke, there's insanity




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